
Quick Start

Let's get you up and running with Polar in only a few minutes.

Create an account

Signup & login on Polar is made super easy with GitHub Login (OAuth).


Don't want to connect with GitHub? You can also sign up using your email.

Grant GitHub Permissions

Polar uses your GitHub Login to:

  • Create a matching, public, profile for you on Polar (avatar, username, bio etc)
  • Request read-only access to your primary GitHub email addresses so we can communicate with you, e.g send funding, subscription and order notifications and product updates.

Screenshot of GitHub OAuth with Polar


What does 'Act on my behalf' mean?

It's a default notice from GitHub for all OAuth requests #37117.

Rest assured, we do not do anything on your behalf without a delibrate action performed by you via Polar for an explicit, clear & desired outcome by you.

Create your organization

Once you've signed up, you'll be taken to a page to create your organization. On Polar, an organization is the space where you'll create and manage your products, receive donations from your supporters and more.

The first step is to give it a name.

Create Organization on Polar


Our system will assign you a unique slug (like unicorn-dev) that you won't be able to change. However , you'll be able to change the display name later.

Then, you'll be taken through a quick onboarding page intended to focus the Polar experience for your use case.

Screenshot of Polar Onboarding

You can change this later too. So no pressure or identity crisis needed :^)

Done 🎉

Welcome to the Polar community - we're thrilled to have you onboard!

Next Steps:

Shape the future with us